Tuesday, December 27, 2016


I have spent the last few days thinking about how 2016 has been and as I approached God in prayer yesterday, it was clear to me that  as I embark on this time of waiting on Him, that I can carry some people along with me. I don't know how you will sign up for me to know you but I really don't need to know you but be sure that I will have you covered. Just stay connected on this platform and via my Facebook pages.

Today, we begin with THANKSGIVING. The Psalmist speaking in Psalm 100, says to enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. These are a few scriptures you can read all through today -  Psalms67: 3 - 6; 68:3 - 35; 103; 104; 106; 107; 108; 111; 116; 118; 124; 135; 136; 137; 138...

Thanksgiving is your access to God and more. Thanksgiving and praise attracts God's attention and brings Him personally on the scene (Psalm 22:3). Thanksgiving brings about increase and multiplication (Jeremiah 30: 11). Thanksgiving provokes fruitfulness (Psalm 67: 6). When you thank God, you attract His attention and the enemy is put away.

Many people get busy looking at the things God did not do for them instead of the countless things that God did. The children of Israel cried to God for deliverance, deliverance came. But on their way to their promised inheritance, things happened. They experienced countless miracles but every time a challenge showed up, they would murmur and complain as if God never did anything. Something happened in my life recently and I blurted out with tears in my eyes before I could stop myself, "God has failed me." As I look back 2 months plus after, I really laugh at myself because that was the most stupid and unguarded thing to say. God DID NOT FAIL. NO HE DID NOT. What He did for me actually leaves me speechless. I shared this because I know some of you may be looking at 2016 as a wasted year. Beloved, the fact that you are alive and breathing is ENOUGH REASONS to thank and celebrate God. 

As you spend today thanking God, the increase will come. The blessings will be released. Multiplication will burst forth for you. Barren grounds will turn fruitful. Dry places will become fruitful. Your sorrows will turn to joy. A new day and a new you arises from today in the name of Jesus.

*Arm yourself with a pen and notebook. Sit down first and begin to write down the things that God has done in your life in 2016.

1) Burst forth into singing and thanksgiving. If you are baptized in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues,  please pray in the Spirit and with your understanding.
2) O God, I thank you for ...............(please take time and mention the things one after the other).
3)My Father, let my thanksgiving ascend unto you and be acceptable in your sight in the name of Jesus.
4) O God, by my thanksgiving, turn your attention on me o God and cause me to end 2016 well in Jesus name.
5) Arise on my behalf O God and stop every enemy of my life and destiny this 2016 in the name of Jesus.
6) My Father, let the wickedness of the wicked in my life come to an end as I end 2016 in Jesus name.
7) O God, you created me a high flyer, let crawling in any area of my life cease in Jesus name.
8) My Father, by your mighty hand and power, cause me to enter 2016 with a mighty testimony in the name of Jesus.
9) O God, cause your light to shine in my life and on my path to show me the way to go in 2017 in the name of Jesus.
10) ( Geneses 1: 3) ..O God, turn on the light in my life and cause every hidden and secret things  causing me pain, failure, discomfort to be revealed in the name of Jesus.

Spend more time in thanksgiving and celebration.

I pray for you
- The works of the devil in your life ceases in the name of Jesus.
- Every work of darkness that has prospered in your life up until now, fails totally and completely in the name of Jesus.
- As you stay with God, the wisdom you need to do the right things and change the results you have been getting comes upon you in Jesus name.
- Receive the grace to change and correct what you need to correct in the name of Jesus.
- I command that notable miracle that will cause you singing, leaping, dancing and shouting for joy into 2017 to be released upon you now in the name of Jesus.
God bless you.

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