Ruth 1: 6
The story of Noami and her family is a very intriguing one. Let's do an encapsuled version. Naomi(meaning delight, pleasant) and her husband, Elimelech(a man who had a Kingship link) left Ephrathite, the place of fruitfulness, in Bethlehem - Judah which is the house of bread, a place of celebration and praise, a place of envy. This blessed family left this awesome place because of famine to the land of Moab, a cursed place, a place of abomination. Moab was a product of the incest committed by Lot and his first daughter.
The family of Elimelech and Naomi changed location when famine came. Their children got married but in about 10 short years all the men in Noami's life died. But in the process of time, while still in pain of having lost all, she heard news that God had visited the place of bread, the place of fruitfulness had been restored. There was celebration and over flow of praise once again in that abandoned land of Bethlehem - Judah. She heard that things had changed. She heard that things were moving on well and she had to return. The story continued and concluded with Noami receiving a full restoration of all. She became the mother in law to a man of great wealth and influence, Boaz, which happened by her counsel and directives.
For you things may not have been looking well and there had to be down sizing, some adjustments, a movement from one job or location to another. As you enter 2017, you shall hear the news that will make you dance.
- You shall hear the news of God's visitation.
- God by His hands will command your 360 degrees turnaround in the name of Jesus.
Notice that when Noami heard the news of God's visitation and she made a move. She didn't sit down to complain and lament but she took a step, made movement from death to life. She didn't know what awaited her but she was willing to try. She was willing to make that move. This reminds me of the story of the four lepers who refused to sit down and die of hunger and starvation. They were willing die while trying rather than sit down and die. In the end,they had more than enough to eat and NOBODY REMEMBERED THEY WERE LEPROUS AND HAD NO PLACE IN THE CITY. 2Kings 7:1 - 8).
- As you enter 2017, by reason of what God will be doing in your life, business, marriage, your past will be completely forgotten.
- Those that mocked at you will come bowing in apologies and regrets.
- They gathered to mess you up but I prophesy to you, God will turn those mockeries into cheers by a mighty visitation in the name of Jesus.
- In 2017, your case shall be different.
1) My Father, by your mighty hand cause a total restoration of all I have wealth, my investments, right relationships, honor, children, marriage, family in the name of Jesus. (Joel 2:25).
Please take time to pray this prayer. Your own restoration may not be going back to that place or job but God can compensate you by giving you something or someone better.
2) O God, let every enemy resisting my restoration be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
3) Heavenly Father, as I enter 2017, take me out of the place of failure, backwardness, struggles, dryness, marriagelessness, poverty to the place of all round blessings in the name of Jesus.
4) O God, let the news that will bring my all round turnaround come to me by fire in the name of Jesus.
5) My Father, show me what I need to do per time as I cross over to 2017 in the name of Jesus.
6) My Father, by your mighty power, shut the mouth of my mockers by fire in the name of Jesus.
7) I release fire against everyone standing at the gate of my life and destiny to stop the blessings and miracles of God from reaching me in the name of Jesus.
8) Let every satanic gateman and watch dog at the gate of my life die in the name of Jesus.
9) Let every chain holding my hands and legs to hinder my movement and progress be destroyed by the hammer of God in the name of Jesus.
10) In 2017 and beyond, I move from the slow confused lane of life to the lane of speed of progress and accomplishment by the Spirit in the name of Jesus.
11) My Father, turn on the light and show me the way all through 2017 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
12) O God, cause the heavens above me to remain constantly open all through 2017 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
I ray for you,
- You shall not be a victim and casualty of the enemy in 2017.
- God by His mighty hand shall deliver you from your enemies by fire.
- You shall be restored to all that is yours in the name of Jesus.
It is a good day to celebrate Jesus.
God bless you.
Powerful prayer points