Saturday, January 29, 2011


The Priceless Jewel: FOLLOWING GOD WITH BENEFITS 2: "How have you been since reading the first part of this right up?Have you been able to show your face outside?Are taking out time to sort out..."


How have you been since reading the first part of this right up?Have you been able to show your face outside?Are taking out time to sort out yourself for better productivity in your walk with God?Really,how you react to issues tell if you have a future in sight or not.A man with a future when faced with certain truths goes back to the drawing board of his life o make appropraite changes. Well, lets see what we have to do to get the best of our Daddy.
7)A vile person must be contemned in your eyes: not in your eyes not in your heart.A vile person is a wicked person, a castaway, disdained or despised person.So, when you meet this kind of person at work,home, business place, you may have to "look down" on them  in your eyes for whatever they have done with the bid to correct.What God is saying is do not honor a wicked man because there is something you are expecting from him.A Christian chooses to bow to a wicked, disdained person because you do not want him to back out of the help he promised,a student chooses to compromise just for a few more marks.Yes, this is about compromise.You choose to look the other way rather than tell and confront the truth when and where necessary.Do nat applaud a wicked man just to gain favor.A Pastor or Leader is practising witchcraft,manipulate people,tell lies,do all amnner of wickedness and still try to manipulate people just to keep them under his control.That is a wicked man.Please do not play that game,it is too costly and dangerous.
8)You must honor them that fear God: many dishonor the truth just to please the wicked man.7 and 8 go together.Do not allow the wicked to go unpurnished for his evil and the man that fears God get purnished because he is not rich nor is in the place of authority.Everyday,we see men use their positions of authority to suppress others and try to get away with their wickedness while the mn who fears God suffers for who he is.Please draw the line properly and put everyone where he belongs.Dealing with people in authority is sensitive and you need to learn how to go about issues concerning them.But do not swallow a lie and things that contradicts scriptures just because it came from authority.
9)Keep your words:be it a vow.Let your yes be yes and your no be no.If you ever make a promise to God or any man do everything you can to redeem it.It is not all about money.Keep your words,please.(Jud.11:30 -31;34-35)Jephthah kept his word.Many promise people something and change the very next minute because of circumstances.This is not acceptable.Let your word be your bond.This will help you never to play with your words because they are invaluable.Do not be unstable.God wants to be able to trust you in all things including money matters.Many Christian do not like to be striaght with issues of money.They are expecting 20million, they promise God a very special gift of maybe a 2million,when the time to pay comes,they begin to explain or decide to buy Him a gift instead.That is not what you "said".Learn to do what you say even to people.
10)Do not give your money for usury:Simply put,do not lend money with interest.That is the original meaning in greek.The dictionary defines usury as exhorbitant interest.This is a style of extorting money from people.But God's mind is that you should collect interest on moneys loaned to people especially in the household of faith (Church).Pro.28:8;Exo.22:25;Lev.25:36-37.
11)Do not reward against the innocent:Exo.23:6;Deut.16:19;Rom.11:26. Do not join forces with anyone through bribe and condemn the innocent.Never allow yourself be put in a place where you allow the innocent to suffer for what he did not do.As much as it lies in your power to free the innocent do so.Do not collect bribe of any kind and allow the innocent suffer.
These 11 points can be a real serious battle and struggle for many,i know.All you need to do is to begin somewhere.Do a thorough,critical check on yourself.To thy own self be true.Look at yourself critically though the eyes(mirror) of the word and evaluate your level.For some you may be able to score yourself 60%,for some it maybe just 5% but whatever and wherever you are on any of these,start from there and begin to work.God wants to bless you,whne you find out what qualifies you,you get qualified then demand the blessings.
If you want to study law in the University,Open a particular line of Business,build an estate,have children,enjoy marriage,own a university,college.You seek to find out the required qualifications, then begin to work at meeting the requirements.If you set a deadline for yourself,then extra work is needed.You would not want to miss out on any opportunity especially those tied to a particular time schedule not controlled by you.
What we are talking about here is controlled by you basically.Discipline yourself and get to work.God is more eager to bless you than you can ever know.
Christianity is real and in Him we live, move and have our being. The best of you is just unfolding.We must make our God proud.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Being blessed by God and receiving from Him ALL that you desire requires much more than you being born again - I mean professing Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.Christianity is much more than just answering the altar call.Phil. 2: 12 says we should work out our salvation with fear and trembling. So, where you end up and what you get is purely your responsibility. You need to WORK it out based on scriptures. Which brings me to what i want to share with you. It is from Psalm 15.
The Psalmist opens up with a question, "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?Who shall dwell in thy Holy Hill?"In otherwords, who will abide in your presence and enjoy your covering?Talking about His tabernacle.Who is qualified for promotion,liftings,prosperity?Talking about His Holy Hill.
So, just being a called a Christian does not really qualify you.It is not automatic.You know,God is consistently looking for people He can trust with what He has - prosperity,blessing beyond measure, positions of power, influence and authority.Many change their confessions and dedication levels as soon as they see any small tiny bit of blessings.God has had His heart broken so many times that He is extra careful especially in this last days where the love of many are waxing cold,men have become covenant breakers,the heart of man has become exceeding wicked whilst speaking in tongues, casting out devils and doing great and wonderful works in the name of the Lord.My heart desire is that you enjoy the fullness of what God has to offer because they are for you.
So,Psalm 15 gives us a part of God's qualifier for any that will dwell with Him and enjoy His covering, promotions, blessings and prosperity.Lets begin to look at them;
1) You must walk uprightly - that means you must be a man of integrity,walking in truth,without blemish, complete,perfect,sincere,without spot,undefiled,upright and whole.These are what walking uprightly means.No spot or wrinkle should be found in and on you.Jesus is coming for a Church without spots or wrinkles.(Eph.5: 27)
2)You must work righteousness - you must do righteous works.No mago-mago,corner-corner.You must deal well with your business partners,spouse,friends.
3)You must speak the truth in your heart - mmm, this is quite interesting.Many speak with their mouth but their heart is very different.That is still deceit.So,you must never try to deceive any man or should i say,lie to another and call it wisdom.Everyday,we meet people (Christians) who deceive their tongue,they never say the truth.When once the truth is not in your heart,your lips will speak different things at different times concerning the same issue.Let our hearts be cleaned in and out so that our testimonies can stand out. (Zech.8:16;Eph.4:25).
4)You must not backbit with your tongue - quilty,quilty?You can decide to change today.There are Christians who "have big ears and keep them very close to the ground" and their mouths are very wide that there is not limit to their transmission of the news.You need to stop seeking information about people just so you can have a story to tell,stop spying on people and please stop the slander.Maybe for you it has been more like a habit or should i say a hobby,you really need to make an adjustment.Backbitting is very destructive.Anyone who indulges in this is a selfish and insecure person without real love in his or her heart for his subject.When next you  want to talk, stop and check your heart for the person and your motive for talking and you will need to repent becasue you will be amazed at what your heart will reveal to you.Believe me,you wont like it.
5)Do not do your neighbour any evil - let me quickly define evil.It means do not hurt,harm,do any mischief,cause trouble,cause sorrow to your neighbour,do not displease nor distress your neighbour.Some people just cannot live in an environment without trouble,they cannot work in an office without trouble and quarrel.Yes,i know,they always look for your trouble.If they look for your trouble where you live,where you work,in your children's school,in the market,in the salon,on the street then my friend,you really have a baggage of trouble YOU MUST GET RID OF FAST.What i am saying is that the common denominator is you, so you should do a serious check on you and effect some changes.
6)You must not take up a reproach against your neighbour - to reproach means to disgrace,shame,rebuke rudely.It means to criticize someone for something he did wrong.This is tough because lots of us are guilty.You can correct someone for doing wrong but not with the intention of making the person publicly ashamed or face some open disgrace.You really do not need to shout to correct someone.This is where maturity and emotional security and stability come in.You know,you grow to a point you can handle very embarrassing situations very well and the other person will be better for it.
See you soon for the concluding part of this.God is really anxious for a perfect Church,I want to be found perfect and ready i do not know about you.
Let me hear from you to know what this write up has provoked in far.Yes,you are right more is coming. Love you.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Those things said and done to u as u grew which have not been handled are stored up and like a hydra headed monster, it rears up its head to affect u later in life but many times we do not link them.U've discovered that try as u can,u always feel inferior standing side by side others,u always feel u cannot do anything well,u always feel no-one truely loves u,u feel men are beasts,women are wicked U just do not believe in urself though u may try to pretend through things but deep down u know something is missing.
It is important u get healed fast if u identify with this.
1)Face up to what the problem is.Tell urself the truth e.g I have a complex problem. Call it what it really is.Do not try to polish it and make it look not too bad.Take time and analyse it the way it is.
2)Try to identify the root cause.Issues like that of complex come from somewhere.Our childhood days where u were constantly being compared to others,where u were made to feel completely useless no matter the situation.U were never allowed to speak up for urself.U were just treated like u were less than human.U need to trace the root of the problem.
3)Begin to deal with it.How?First, check from scriptures to know ur true identity in Christ,not just what u have been told but what u have seen that God says u are.Speak these words over ur life constantly, meditate on it until u are convinced about who u truely are.b)Repent before God and forgive those people especially parents/guardians who dealt such wound on u which u have allowed to grow through the years.c) Ask for total healing from hurting emotions.
4)Get deliverance from people.Do not give anyone the privilege of controlling u again even to the point that their words are final even when what they say isnt correct.U are the most important person ur life.Do not allow anyone determine when u're happy or sad. Enough is enough.Take charge of ur life.
5)U can seek help from a professional depending on the gravity of ur case.
In all, allow the Holy Spirit to work healing in u.
It is important u get healed cos until that happens,u cant fix urself.Everything will suffer cos u will constantly see and hear people from the point of where u are coming from.U judge harshly things said and done and take deep offense and so cannot keep any meaningful relationship.It is worse for the married cos everything ur spouse says or does will be judged based on the experiences of the past.There is always comparison going on in ur mind between this authority figure in ur life and that of ur past.
Allow ur life become sweet by letting go ur past.Let the scars be taken care of by Jesus.Matt.11:28,"Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and i will give u rest."There is total rest and healing in Jesus.Get healed now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I came across something few days ago while studying which somehow shocked me. It has starred me in the face all these while as i talk to and counsel people with different issues but somehow i never quite noticed. 
I discovered that the sum total of who we are today is a function of our past (upbringing, childhood, growing up years). It is often said that upbringing is everything.True.A man's actions, sself image and complex status will tell you how he was brought up. A person does not get aggressive, he did not just develop an inferiority has always been there but just keeps growing until you get to a place or position in life where it shows up and you begin to look for who to blame and experiences to hang the blame on. Many times our childhood, growing up days issues, experiences and encounters are never remembered nor even considered. But that is where the real problem many adults and young adults arefacing today is traced to.
Are you surprised that the reason you always feel inferior when with others you feel are better placed than you is because as a child you were often being compared to a friend, a neighbour, a cousin or just anybody they could find that they felt was better than you. Mistakes were never allowed to pass without a hot searing iron stamped on you. It affected you badly but you often allowed it "pass" or so you thought.