Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I came across something few days ago while studying which somehow shocked me. It has starred me in the face all these while as i talk to and counsel people with different issues but somehow i never quite noticed. 
I discovered that the sum total of who we are today is a function of our past (upbringing, childhood, growing up years). It is often said that upbringing is everything.True.A man's actions, sself image and complex status will tell you how he was brought up. A person does not get aggressive, he did not just develop an inferiority has always been there but just keeps growing until you get to a place or position in life where it shows up and you begin to look for who to blame and experiences to hang the blame on. Many times our childhood, growing up days issues, experiences and encounters are never remembered nor even considered. But that is where the real problem many adults and young adults arefacing today is traced to.
Are you surprised that the reason you always feel inferior when with others you feel are better placed than you is because as a child you were often being compared to a friend, a neighbour, a cousin or just anybody they could find that they felt was better than you. Mistakes were never allowed to pass without a hot searing iron stamped on you. It affected you badly but you often allowed it "pass" or so you thought.

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