Saturday, January 15, 2011


Those things said and done to u as u grew which have not been handled are stored up and like a hydra headed monster, it rears up its head to affect u later in life but many times we do not link them.U've discovered that try as u can,u always feel inferior standing side by side others,u always feel u cannot do anything well,u always feel no-one truely loves u,u feel men are beasts,women are wicked U just do not believe in urself though u may try to pretend through things but deep down u know something is missing.
It is important u get healed fast if u identify with this.
1)Face up to what the problem is.Tell urself the truth e.g I have a complex problem. Call it what it really is.Do not try to polish it and make it look not too bad.Take time and analyse it the way it is.
2)Try to identify the root cause.Issues like that of complex come from somewhere.Our childhood days where u were constantly being compared to others,where u were made to feel completely useless no matter the situation.U were never allowed to speak up for urself.U were just treated like u were less than human.U need to trace the root of the problem.
3)Begin to deal with it.How?First, check from scriptures to know ur true identity in Christ,not just what u have been told but what u have seen that God says u are.Speak these words over ur life constantly, meditate on it until u are convinced about who u truely are.b)Repent before God and forgive those people especially parents/guardians who dealt such wound on u which u have allowed to grow through the years.c) Ask for total healing from hurting emotions.
4)Get deliverance from people.Do not give anyone the privilege of controlling u again even to the point that their words are final even when what they say isnt correct.U are the most important person ur life.Do not allow anyone determine when u're happy or sad. Enough is enough.Take charge of ur life.
5)U can seek help from a professional depending on the gravity of ur case.
In all, allow the Holy Spirit to work healing in u.
It is important u get healed cos until that happens,u cant fix urself.Everything will suffer cos u will constantly see and hear people from the point of where u are coming from.U judge harshly things said and done and take deep offense and so cannot keep any meaningful relationship.It is worse for the married cos everything ur spouse says or does will be judged based on the experiences of the past.There is always comparison going on in ur mind between this authority figure in ur life and that of ur past.
Allow ur life become sweet by letting go ur past.Let the scars be taken care of by Jesus.Matt.11:28,"Come unto me all that labour and are heavy laden and i will give u rest."There is total rest and healing in Jesus.Get healed now.

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