Jeremiah 1:11 - 12
Today happens to be the last day in 2016. And we should spend quality time in the place of thanksgiving. You can refer to the Day 1 of Let's Pray Together. Take time to thank God for bringing you this far.
In just a few hours from now, we will flip our calendars to a new year, 2017, Wow. But is it a new year for you indeed? A change in calendar dates does not amount to a change of story or situation. It is simply an extended time of opportunity given to a man by God to make a change and create a change. Different Churches will come up with different themes representing God's agenda for the new year. But my concern is you. Those themes and agenda can not work in your life no matter how many days of fasting and prayers you partake in. The number of times you are anointed with oil and do prophetic actions and positive confessions. No, IT WILL NOT WORK. What will make it happen, what will bring a change is what you do personally. And I am talking about what you want to achieve in 2017 in partnership and alignment with God. God asked Jeremaih, "What do you see?" Jeremaih saw something and told God. And God confirmed to him that he saw well. If Jeremiah had not seen well, God would have said, "Jeremiah, you did not see well. Look again." Jeremiah saw well and God commended him and went further to say, " ..I will hasten my word to perform it."
Beloved, if you do not see anything and make the necessary adjustments to be able to handle what you see for 2017, the year will come and go like every other year without nothing outstanding happening. If you aim at nothing, you catch nothing. So, as the year gradually draws the curtain and bows out, I ask you, "What is your plan for 2017? What do you seek to achieve? What dream will you be pursuing? What plans,goals and targets have you or will you set for yourself? Where is this journey (2017) taking you to? All these are the thing I would want you to sit down and begin to address in case you have not already.
Take your pen and notebook and think on paper. Even if you do not have details, start by putting down the big picture first and the rest will follow later. You do not arrive the airport and begin to ask yourself where you want to travel to. You determine that before you leave your house. You do not arrive the market as a woman or even a man and begin to ask yourself why you came and what soup you would like to cook. No. You determine that at home and write a list. That way, your stay in the market is shorter and you accomplish purpose faster.
Beloved, what do you want in and from 2017? What do you see? Where do you see yourself come 31st December, 2017? This is the time to decide that before the journey begins. When you have determined what you see, then you begin to make plans and adjustments suitable for where you are going.
- You shall enjoy the grace and mercy of God all though 2017.
- Whatever you need to make 2017 a fulfilling year, the God of Heaven releases them to you in the name of Jesus.
- Whoever you need to connect to to make 2017 a success, connects to you by divine manoeverings in the name of Jesus.
- Your Helpers shall not miss you.
- Your Helpers shall not mistake you for another.
- The finances you need to jumpstart your life in 2017 are released by fire in the name of Jesus.
- That finances you need to move you to another level is yours in the name of Jesus.
- Anything that seeks to stand in your way in 2017 is crushed in the name of Jesus.
- Every Pharoah that will not let you go is judged and destroyed in the name of Jesus.
- You shall know all round success in 2017 in the name of Jesus.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Ruth 1: 6
The story of Noami and her family is a very intriguing one. Let's do an encapsuled version. Naomi(meaning delight, pleasant) and her husband, Elimelech(a man who had a Kingship link) left Ephrathite, the place of fruitfulness, in Bethlehem - Judah which is the house of bread, a place of celebration and praise, a place of envy. This blessed family left this awesome place because of famine to the land of Moab, a cursed place, a place of abomination. Moab was a product of the incest committed by Lot and his first daughter.
The family of Elimelech and Naomi changed location when famine came. Their children got married but in about 10 short years all the men in Noami's life died. But in the process of time, while still in pain of having lost all, she heard news that God had visited the place of bread, the place of fruitfulness had been restored. There was celebration and over flow of praise once again in that abandoned land of Bethlehem - Judah. She heard that things had changed. She heard that things were moving on well and she had to return. The story continued and concluded with Noami receiving a full restoration of all. She became the mother in law to a man of great wealth and influence, Boaz, which happened by her counsel and directives.
For you things may not have been looking well and there had to be down sizing, some adjustments, a movement from one job or location to another. As you enter 2017, you shall hear the news that will make you dance.
- You shall hear the news of God's visitation.
- God by His hands will command your 360 degrees turnaround in the name of Jesus.
Notice that when Noami heard the news of God's visitation and she made a move. She didn't sit down to complain and lament but she took a step, made movement from death to life. She didn't know what awaited her but she was willing to try. She was willing to make that move. This reminds me of the story of the four lepers who refused to sit down and die of hunger and starvation. They were willing die while trying rather than sit down and die. In the end,they had more than enough to eat and NOBODY REMEMBERED THEY WERE LEPROUS AND HAD NO PLACE IN THE CITY. 2Kings 7:1 - 8).
- As you enter 2017, by reason of what God will be doing in your life, business, marriage, your past will be completely forgotten.
- Those that mocked at you will come bowing in apologies and regrets.
- They gathered to mess you up but I prophesy to you, God will turn those mockeries into cheers by a mighty visitation in the name of Jesus.
- In 2017, your case shall be different.
1) My Father, by your mighty hand cause a total restoration of all I have wealth, my investments, right relationships, honor, children, marriage, family in the name of Jesus. (Joel 2:25).
Please take time to pray this prayer. Your own restoration may not be going back to that place or job but God can compensate you by giving you something or someone better.
2) O God, let every enemy resisting my restoration be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
3) Heavenly Father, as I enter 2017, take me out of the place of failure, backwardness, struggles, dryness, marriagelessness, poverty to the place of all round blessings in the name of Jesus.
4) O God, let the news that will bring my all round turnaround come to me by fire in the name of Jesus.
5) My Father, show me what I need to do per time as I cross over to 2017 in the name of Jesus.
6) My Father, by your mighty power, shut the mouth of my mockers by fire in the name of Jesus.
7) I release fire against everyone standing at the gate of my life and destiny to stop the blessings and miracles of God from reaching me in the name of Jesus.
8) Let every satanic gateman and watch dog at the gate of my life die in the name of Jesus.
9) Let every chain holding my hands and legs to hinder my movement and progress be destroyed by the hammer of God in the name of Jesus.
10) In 2017 and beyond, I move from the slow confused lane of life to the lane of speed of progress and accomplishment by the Spirit in the name of Jesus.
11) My Father, turn on the light and show me the way all through 2017 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
12) O God, cause the heavens above me to remain constantly open all through 2017 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
I ray for you,
- You shall not be a victim and casualty of the enemy in 2017.
- God by His mighty hand shall deliver you from your enemies by fire.
- You shall be restored to all that is yours in the name of Jesus.
It is a good day to celebrate Jesus.
God bless you.
The story of Noami and her family is a very intriguing one. Let's do an encapsuled version. Naomi(meaning delight, pleasant) and her husband, Elimelech(a man who had a Kingship link) left Ephrathite, the place of fruitfulness, in Bethlehem - Judah which is the house of bread, a place of celebration and praise, a place of envy. This blessed family left this awesome place because of famine to the land of Moab, a cursed place, a place of abomination. Moab was a product of the incest committed by Lot and his first daughter.
The family of Elimelech and Naomi changed location when famine came. Their children got married but in about 10 short years all the men in Noami's life died. But in the process of time, while still in pain of having lost all, she heard news that God had visited the place of bread, the place of fruitfulness had been restored. There was celebration and over flow of praise once again in that abandoned land of Bethlehem - Judah. She heard that things had changed. She heard that things were moving on well and she had to return. The story continued and concluded with Noami receiving a full restoration of all. She became the mother in law to a man of great wealth and influence, Boaz, which happened by her counsel and directives.
For you things may not have been looking well and there had to be down sizing, some adjustments, a movement from one job or location to another. As you enter 2017, you shall hear the news that will make you dance.
- You shall hear the news of God's visitation.
- God by His hands will command your 360 degrees turnaround in the name of Jesus.
Notice that when Noami heard the news of God's visitation and she made a move. She didn't sit down to complain and lament but she took a step, made movement from death to life. She didn't know what awaited her but she was willing to try. She was willing to make that move. This reminds me of the story of the four lepers who refused to sit down and die of hunger and starvation. They were willing die while trying rather than sit down and die. In the end,they had more than enough to eat and NOBODY REMEMBERED THEY WERE LEPROUS AND HAD NO PLACE IN THE CITY. 2Kings 7:1 - 8).
- As you enter 2017, by reason of what God will be doing in your life, business, marriage, your past will be completely forgotten.
- Those that mocked at you will come bowing in apologies and regrets.
- They gathered to mess you up but I prophesy to you, God will turn those mockeries into cheers by a mighty visitation in the name of Jesus.
- In 2017, your case shall be different.
1) My Father, by your mighty hand cause a total restoration of all I have wealth, my investments, right relationships, honor, children, marriage, family in the name of Jesus. (Joel 2:25).
Please take time to pray this prayer. Your own restoration may not be going back to that place or job but God can compensate you by giving you something or someone better.
2) O God, let every enemy resisting my restoration be destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
3) Heavenly Father, as I enter 2017, take me out of the place of failure, backwardness, struggles, dryness, marriagelessness, poverty to the place of all round blessings in the name of Jesus.
4) O God, let the news that will bring my all round turnaround come to me by fire in the name of Jesus.
5) My Father, show me what I need to do per time as I cross over to 2017 in the name of Jesus.
6) My Father, by your mighty power, shut the mouth of my mockers by fire in the name of Jesus.
7) I release fire against everyone standing at the gate of my life and destiny to stop the blessings and miracles of God from reaching me in the name of Jesus.
8) Let every satanic gateman and watch dog at the gate of my life die in the name of Jesus.
9) Let every chain holding my hands and legs to hinder my movement and progress be destroyed by the hammer of God in the name of Jesus.
10) In 2017 and beyond, I move from the slow confused lane of life to the lane of speed of progress and accomplishment by the Spirit in the name of Jesus.
11) My Father, turn on the light and show me the way all through 2017 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
12) O God, cause the heavens above me to remain constantly open all through 2017 and beyond in the name of Jesus.
I ray for you,
- You shall not be a victim and casualty of the enemy in 2017.
- God by His mighty hand shall deliver you from your enemies by fire.
- You shall be restored to all that is yours in the name of Jesus.
It is a good day to celebrate Jesus.
God bless you.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Esther 6: 1 - 10
Often times, I meet people who are so bitter because they have done all they know how to but do not get the results they desire. They seem to be missing in the time of the release of blessings. They seem to be forgotten. Mordecai did a great Favour to the King and his life was spared. He was not rewarded for it but instead his life and that of his people were being hunted. He was still a gateman until one day. After he had stayed with God to secure what was his, God moved into action and Angels were dispatched to Persia. One was sent to the King's chambers to move him to action. Sleep was taken from him and to fill up that time, he was moved in the right direction. I always say, 'When you look unto Jesus, He will command anyone and anything to come to you." Hebrews 12:2.
The king went to the book of chronicles and straight to where his case with Mordecai was recorded and began to ask questions. The answers to those questions took Mordecai from being a gateman to the most influential Leader in his time.
I pray for you
- Those who have been commanded to bless you will not rest until they fulfill their task and promise starting from this 2016 to 2017 and beyond.
- Your Helpers will locate you by fire by force in the name of Jesus.
- You will not be confused for someone else in Jesus name.
- Whatever mask has been used to cover you so that people do not see "you" is totally destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
1) O God thank you for this new day. Let my waiting on you be fruitful in the name of Jesus.
2) My Father my God, let the help I need this year and beyond locate me by fire by force in Jesus name.
3) Heavenly Father, let every bump and hindrance on the way to my help be demolished and destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
4) O God, by release your fire and let every veil and mask over my face hiding my real identity be destroyed totally in the name of Jesus.
5) O God, turn the evil reports of the wicked concerning me around for my good and Favour in the name of Jesus.
6) As I cross into 2017, my Father, destroy the yoke of promise and fail in my life in the name of Jesus.
7) O God, you are my help, reach out and help me this 2016 and beyond in the name of Jesus. (Psalm 121).
8. My Father, open the heavens and cause that miracle that will crown my 2016 with fatness to be released into my life by fire in the name of Jesus.
9) O God, arise and let the enemies of my life and destiny he destroyed after the order of Haman in the name of Jesus.
10) By your power o God, let sleep, rest, straight thinking be withdrawn from everyone who is owing me one thing or the other until they fulfil that which they have promised me in the name of Jesus.
11) O God, shine your light on me and show me the way all through 2017 in the name of Jesus.
12) O God, let your Spirit rule and direct me all through 2017 in the right direction in the name of Jesus.
- As 2016 closes, the old chapter of your life closes and a brand new one opens up for you in the name of Jesus.
- God will pour out a new dimension of wisdom upon you to know what to do per time and do same in the name of Jesus.
- Every confusion in your life comes to an end in the name of Jesus.
Celebrate God for a new day dawns for you in the name of Jesus.
God bless you.
Often times, I meet people who are so bitter because they have done all they know how to but do not get the results they desire. They seem to be missing in the time of the release of blessings. They seem to be forgotten. Mordecai did a great Favour to the King and his life was spared. He was not rewarded for it but instead his life and that of his people were being hunted. He was still a gateman until one day. After he had stayed with God to secure what was his, God moved into action and Angels were dispatched to Persia. One was sent to the King's chambers to move him to action. Sleep was taken from him and to fill up that time, he was moved in the right direction. I always say, 'When you look unto Jesus, He will command anyone and anything to come to you." Hebrews 12:2.
The king went to the book of chronicles and straight to where his case with Mordecai was recorded and began to ask questions. The answers to those questions took Mordecai from being a gateman to the most influential Leader in his time.
I pray for you
- Those who have been commanded to bless you will not rest until they fulfill their task and promise starting from this 2016 to 2017 and beyond.
- Your Helpers will locate you by fire by force in the name of Jesus.
- You will not be confused for someone else in Jesus name.
- Whatever mask has been used to cover you so that people do not see "you" is totally destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
1) O God thank you for this new day. Let my waiting on you be fruitful in the name of Jesus.
2) My Father my God, let the help I need this year and beyond locate me by fire by force in Jesus name.
3) Heavenly Father, let every bump and hindrance on the way to my help be demolished and destroyed by the fire of the Holy Ghost.
4) O God, by release your fire and let every veil and mask over my face hiding my real identity be destroyed totally in the name of Jesus.
5) O God, turn the evil reports of the wicked concerning me around for my good and Favour in the name of Jesus.
6) As I cross into 2017, my Father, destroy the yoke of promise and fail in my life in the name of Jesus.
7) O God, you are my help, reach out and help me this 2016 and beyond in the name of Jesus. (Psalm 121).
8. My Father, open the heavens and cause that miracle that will crown my 2016 with fatness to be released into my life by fire in the name of Jesus.
9) O God, arise and let the enemies of my life and destiny he destroyed after the order of Haman in the name of Jesus.
10) By your power o God, let sleep, rest, straight thinking be withdrawn from everyone who is owing me one thing or the other until they fulfil that which they have promised me in the name of Jesus.
11) O God, shine your light on me and show me the way all through 2017 in the name of Jesus.
12) O God, let your Spirit rule and direct me all through 2017 in the right direction in the name of Jesus.
- As 2016 closes, the old chapter of your life closes and a brand new one opens up for you in the name of Jesus.
- God will pour out a new dimension of wisdom upon you to know what to do per time and do same in the name of Jesus.
- Every confusion in your life comes to an end in the name of Jesus.
Celebrate God for a new day dawns for you in the name of Jesus.
God bless you.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Priceless Jewel: LETS PRAY TOGETHER DAY 1
The Priceless Jewel: LETS PRAY TOGETHER DAY 1: I have spent the last few days thinking about how 2016 has been and as I approached God in prayer yesterday, it was clear to me that as I e...
I have spent the last few days thinking about how 2016 has been and as I approached God in prayer yesterday, it was clear to me that as I embark on this time of waiting on Him, that I can carry some people along with me. I don't know how you will sign up for me to know you but I really don't need to know you but be sure that I will have you covered. Just stay connected on this platform and via my Facebook pages.
Today, we begin with THANKSGIVING. The Psalmist speaking in Psalm 100, says to enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. These are a few scriptures you can read all through today - Psalms67: 3 - 6; 68:3 - 35; 103; 104; 106; 107; 108; 111; 116; 118; 124; 135; 136; 137; 138...
Thanksgiving is your access to God and more. Thanksgiving and praise attracts God's attention and brings Him personally on the scene (Psalm 22:3). Thanksgiving brings about increase and multiplication (Jeremiah 30: 11). Thanksgiving provokes fruitfulness (Psalm 67: 6). When you thank God, you attract His attention and the enemy is put away.
Today, we begin with THANKSGIVING. The Psalmist speaking in Psalm 100, says to enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. These are a few scriptures you can read all through today - Psalms67: 3 - 6; 68:3 - 35; 103; 104; 106; 107; 108; 111; 116; 118; 124; 135; 136; 137; 138...
Thanksgiving is your access to God and more. Thanksgiving and praise attracts God's attention and brings Him personally on the scene (Psalm 22:3). Thanksgiving brings about increase and multiplication (Jeremiah 30: 11). Thanksgiving provokes fruitfulness (Psalm 67: 6). When you thank God, you attract His attention and the enemy is put away.
Many people get busy looking at the things God did not do for them instead of the countless things that God did. The children of Israel cried to God for deliverance, deliverance came. But on their way to their promised inheritance, things happened. They experienced countless miracles but every time a challenge showed up, they would murmur and complain as if God never did anything. Something happened in my life recently and I blurted out with tears in my eyes before I could stop myself, "God has failed me." As I look back 2 months plus after, I really laugh at myself because that was the most stupid and unguarded thing to say. God DID NOT FAIL. NO HE DID NOT. What He did for me actually leaves me speechless. I shared this because I know some of you may be looking at 2016 as a wasted year. Beloved, the fact that you are alive and breathing is ENOUGH REASONS to thank and celebrate God.
As you spend today thanking God, the increase will come. The blessings will be released. Multiplication will burst forth for you. Barren grounds will turn fruitful. Dry places will become fruitful. Your sorrows will turn to joy. A new day and a new you arises from today in the name of Jesus.
*Arm yourself with a pen and notebook. Sit down first and begin to write down the things that God has done in your life in 2016.
1) Burst forth into singing and thanksgiving. If you are baptized in the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues, please pray in the Spirit and with your understanding.
2) O God, I thank you for ...............(please take time and mention the things one after the other).
3)My Father, let my thanksgiving ascend unto you and be acceptable in your sight in the name of Jesus.
4) O God, by my thanksgiving, turn your attention on me o God and cause me to end 2016 well in Jesus name.
5) Arise on my behalf O God and stop every enemy of my life and destiny this 2016 in the name of Jesus.
6) My Father, let the wickedness of the wicked in my life come to an end as I end 2016 in Jesus name.
7) O God, you created me a high flyer, let crawling in any area of my life cease in Jesus name.
8) My Father, by your mighty hand and power, cause me to enter 2016 with a mighty testimony in the name of Jesus.
9) O God, cause your light to shine in my life and on my path to show me the way to go in 2017 in the name of Jesus.
10) ( Geneses 1: 3) ..O God, turn on the light in my life and cause every hidden and secret things causing me pain, failure, discomfort to be revealed in the name of Jesus.
Spend more time in thanksgiving and celebration.
I pray for you
- The works of the devil in your life ceases in the name of Jesus.
- Every work of darkness that has prospered in your life up until now, fails totally and completely in the name of Jesus.
- As you stay with God, the wisdom you need to do the right things and change the results you have been getting comes upon you in Jesus name.
- Receive the grace to change and correct what you need to correct in the name of Jesus.
- I command that notable miracle that will cause you singing, leaping, dancing and shouting for joy into 2017 to be released upon you now in the name of Jesus.
God bless you.
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